Thursday, May 27, 2010

Is an excuse still an excuse if it's the truth.......?

This is a question that I have constantly been asking myself.
I mean, the definition of an 'excuse' is:

an explanation offered as a reason for being excused; a plea offered in extenuation of a fault or for release from an obligation, promise, etc

But still, I'm not sure, because sometimes people just dismiss your reasonings saying that it is an excuse, as if it is a bad thing.
I am in a turmoil of confusion.



  1. I think an 'excuse' is what is traditionally referred to as an explanation as to why you messed up when it could have been avoided. I normally call it a reason if it's true and legitimate!

  2. I thought about that, but then wondered why people always referred to it as a bad thing.
    I need to post more, but I've been away and my dad's internet is -well there is no internet.
    I will post more when I get home.

  3. people..are weird, sometimes. they call one thing something else, as if it's bad. I agree with chicknamedhermia on the traditional definition. perhaps people've just got it wrong.
