You see, I was getting bored with my preppy look so I decided to change it.
I swapped the barely there eyes for the more smokey, deep look. It was a slow transition, more mascara one week, eyeliner the next, then more eyeliner. And I have to tell you it looked really good. Until that day, that one day where I was in such a rush that I looked in the mirror less than my minimum of three times.
Oh woe is me!
Arriving at school, I was inundated by looks. You see, the people at my school like to point out the obvious:
"You're wearing jeans LittleOwl!".
Yes, yes, I am wearing jeans, which is what I have worn almost every day you have known me.
Anyway, back on topic I was being cautiously stared at, so obviously I thought I was looking pretty good.
Then this:
"Omg LittleOwl, who'd you get in a fight with?"says cow one.
""Yeah, It looks like someone punched you in the face." goes cow two.
Now, you're probably thinking they're just concerned, but note the cow one and two. These girls were not being nice, you could tell by the looks on their face and in their tone of voice.
I gave them my best 'wtf?' look and walked away.I went to the bathroom, and saw that my eyeliner was almost completely smudged and I looked like a sleep deprived panda. Shocked at my self, I quickly fixed it up to how it was supposed look and damn did I look fine! - no really.
I knew I looked different and my friends said the look was an improvement but the cows kept mooing and were seriously they were getting on my nerves.
I mean, had I ever told cow one that her eyebrows look like caterpillars that are slowly eating her face so that one day it will be a bottomless pit of nothingness? Or that cow two's new foundatuion makes her look like a crazy Halloween pumpkin?
No! I've kindly kept my opinions tom myself, because I'm that kind of person and didn't want to hurt what feelings they still have.
Grrrrrrrr! I was soo annoyed, don't you hate people who take any chance they can to try and make fun of you or make you feel bad?
I know I do, I also know that drawing pictures crazy Halloween pumpkins and fat caterpillars makes it all better ( well mostly).
I was insanely embarrassed when I found out I looked like a panda who had cried itself to sleep but I was also annoyed that the cows had to point it out in such a way, could they not have said 'Hey, LittleOwl, your eyeliner is smudged.'? I mean really!
Anyways, I have since perfected my look and still kept my nasty opinionated thoughts to my self unlike some others I know. Hint. Hint.